
In the Heat of the Summer

Barefoot Todd completing his 100th barefoot marathon in Phoenix. Asphalt was comfortably cool. Only thing hot, was the redhead!

Summary I may be getting a bit ahead of myself here, talking to some of you folks back in Michigan and Minnesota, in January, about running barefoot on hot pavement. But, some spring day in a few months, and even … read more

How the Minimalist Shoe Movement has Effected my Practice, and is Changing Podiatry. Forever.

How the Minimalist Shoe Movement has Effected my Practice, and is Changing Podiatry. Forever.

Summary We tell patients to support the arch, wear thick-cushioned, motion-controlled running shoes and avoid going barefoot. Does it work? Yes, when you add anti-inflammatories, stretching exercises, cortisone injections, night splints, controlled ankle motion walkers, six to 12 months of … read more