Ken Bob’s Too Much Fun Tour 2018 Autumn (Cancelled)



This tour (except for Cathy’s conference in Salt Lake City) has been cancelled due to health concerns for Cathy’s father (92) and Ken Bob’s uncle (81). Uncle is currently in the hospital after heat related issues last Friday (107 degrees). He is expected to be released today after an MRI (as long as the MRI is clear). But obviously, he shouldn’t travel this autumn, nor be left completely on his own for 2 months (Ken Bob is Uncle’s only family within a thousand miles, who has a car and steady income).


  • Utah, Salt Lake City (Cathy) Doterra Convention September 19-22 Wednesday-Saturday
  • Utah, Salt Lake City, Mi Ranchito Grill (Vegan Buffet) September 21 Friday evening (may require footwear)

Vegan Meals

The event in Salt Lake City (SLC), is a friend of Cathy’s who is a Vegan chef and works Fridays at Mi Ranchito Grill in SLC (keep in mind, some restaurants may require footwear).


Contact Barefoot Ken Bob if you have any questions.




7 comments on “Ken Bob’s Too Much Fun Tour 2018 Autumn (Cancelled)

  1. Points to be discussed and practiced which are often misconceived or not stressed enough by other coaches and media articles:
    1. the myth that barefoot running puts more stress on the Achilles tendon and can lead to stress fractures – mostly true only of minimalist footwear runners, or barefoot runners running strictly on “barefoot friendly” terrain. True barefoot runners relax the calves and after the initial forefoot landing (gentle, not striking) allow the entire sole to support the bodies weight, thus reducing or, as Dr. Lieberman stresses, ELIMINATING, impact. The landing becomes a gentle loading, rather than a “punch” to the ground.
    2. The myth that shod runners who are not experiencing injuries should probably not bother to try barefoot running. I have seen so many shod runners, my age, who had experienced no injuries … until they reached later years (40s, 50s, and up). No warnings (at least not that they heeded) that they were blowing out their knees, etc..

  2. The Myth that one must force the forefoot to strike the ground, in order to run barefoot.

    Just like the idea that one must force the tires on their car to rotate in order to move the car is looking at the idea of driving from the wrong perspective. One does not “force” the forefoot to “strike” the ground. We’re looking for a gentle landing, something that would be comfortable even while barefoot (truly, honestly and actually barefoot) on most terrain, and at least not horribly uncomfortable even on some of the roughest terrain. Just as we don’t try to move a car by grabbing the tires and turning them forcibly with our muscles (a gentle nudge on the accelerator with one foot is much easier), gentle forefoot FIRST landings do not come from tensing the calves and trying to ram our forefoot into the ground. A proper forefoot FIRST landing (followed immediately by the remainder of the sole touching the ground) comes from how the rest of the body is moving, rather than “simply” striking the ground with the forefoot!.

  3. Incidental and deliberate movements. The difference between trying to imitate the way we see other runners move, and realizing we don’t need to try to imitate each move precisely; the other runner isn’t “trying” to make each of those moves. Some moves happen because of the moves we do try to do.

  4. Ken Bob’s Too Much Fun Tour 2018 Autumn

    Let us know before 2018 April 13 Friday if you or anyone else in your area is interested in showing up, OR organizing, OR providing lodging for us. Events will not be scheduled if no one is interested in showing up, or does not let us know by Friday the 13th April 2018!

    Any barefooters, Vegans, dog-lovers, yogins, long-haired, tie-dye-wearing, bearded, hippie-wannabes, etc. interested in a get-together in any of the locations listed at the link below?

    Most locations listed we have friends and/or family. Other locations we simply must pass through to get across the country. So we’re not worried that enough people won’t show up. However if not one person shows an interest we’re not going to bother scheduling a get-together in those locations.

    NOTE: The dates listed are not definite yet
    NOTE: Some events may be cancelled due to lack of interest
    NOTE: LET US KNOW by FRIDAY the 13th APRIL 2018 if you are interested in attending
    NOTE: Some event dates may be shifted or shuffled as a result of cancelled events
    Check the current schedule at:

  5. One of the things people ask me the most about Barefoot Running Step by Step is to clarify the concept of “lifting the foot before landing”. This will be one of the things I will try to illustrate, in photos, videos, and/or demonstrations.

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