Barefoot Todd completing his 100th barefoot marathon in Phoenix. Asphalt was comfortably cool. Only thing hot, was the redhead!

In the Heat of the Summer

Summary I may be getting a bit ahead of myself here, talking to some of you folks back in Michigan and Minnesota, in January, about running barefoot on hot pavement. But, some spring day in a few months, and even … read more

Barefoot Todd

AKA: Barefoot Todd Byers AKA: The Barefoot Coach Statistics In excess of 100 barefoot marathons completed (as of 2011 January 16) About Welcome to Barefoot Todd’s website! Hosted by that wonderful, Running Barefoot website, and the fantastic, amazing, (and modest) Barefoot … read more

Ken Bob, The Thinker???


Introduction It’s been my experience that whenever I have had what I thought was an original and great thought, I will eventually find some great thinker who has already thought of it. These are just a few silly, and some … read more

Don't mess with Technique

Don’t mess with Technique?

I’ve heard that runners should never mess with technique, because it may hurt them? Many of us have heard coaches and athletes bring out this old bone, which more accurately should be, “Don’t mess with successful technique.” But, most runners … read more

Foot Pain and Injury

Foot Pain

Pain Yes, occasionally my feet hurt. One of the main reasons to run barefoot is because it will make your feet hurt. If running barefoot didn’t hurt, we might not realize that we need to change the way we run, … read more

Soles of Barefoot Ken Bob - by Luis Escobar 2010 May 14 Born to Run 10 -mile Trail Run

Tough Soles

Toughening Soles If you’re trying to toughen your soles to endure the abuse of barefoot running, then you really don’t understand how barefoot running helps prevent injuries – by teaching us to run more gently, by re-learning how to move … read more

Pain and Injury

If I loved pain, I would wear SHOES! -Ken Bob Saxton Pain Pain is not an indication that you need to suck it up and endure more pain. It is a message that you’re doing something wrong, incorrectly, injurious, possibly … read more