Today the path was a lot of new cobblestone. I was kind of expecting lots of old cobblestone worn smooth by thousands of pilgrims over hundreds of years, but no!
Now don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of barefoot friendly boardwalks (be careful not to scuff or grind or skid – to avoid splinters) mostly new (we’ll find some older boardwalks later) along today’s course. But that new cobblestone has sharp edges, and while not cutting my soles, sure did make them ultra-sensitive after a day’s hike.
I can’t recommend this course to my fellow aged barefooters, but my younger self some 20-25 years younger (40 something or younger) might have enjoyed the challenge, especially if given a month and taking every other day off, or something like that. On the other foot, I’m mot the “toughest ” barefooter i know. In fact I’m a bit lazy and like to be comfortable. And, doing challenging terrain like the third day, does make that next day off even more enjoyable… also maybe stay at hotels with hot tubs 🙂