Steckler and Conway

Old Radio Interviews



I thought some of you might enjoy these old radio interviews (featuring Barefoot Ted McDonald, Barefoot Rick Roeber, and myself)

Rick Roeber 2008-03-25 KMBZ Kansas City KS

These Days with Ken Bob and Yoshi 2007-02-07 KPBS San DIego Ca

Ken Bob 2007-11-27 Spin1038 Dublin Ireland

Morning Show with Ken Bob 2005-04 WBZ1030am Boston MA

All Things Considered with Ken Bob NPR 2005-04-14 Boston MA

Matty in the Morning with Ken Bob 2005-004 KISSFM Boston MA

Conway and Steckler with Ted and Ken Bob 2005-03-08 KLSX 97.1FM Los Angeles CA (pardon the poor quality of this recording. Old cassette recorder ate the tape while I was recording. I managed to rewind the tape on the rollers, but it already recorded with the distorted speeds)



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