2024 Sep 20 Barefoot Camino Day 7 – Ken Bob Walks a Couple Miles.

I know I haven’t been very good at keeping this up-to-date this trip,.. but that’s me. Also, I’m going to put a little blame on poor internet connections while traveling… But, mostly, I’m just lazy. I hope to be adding more posts, and filling in more details in the future, along the way, and after returning home.

Today, we should be starting near Hostel Casa do Adro, in Portugal, and following the coastal route.

 I’m not walking most of this. I’m navigating for our chauffeur. After all this is my sister Adreah’s and her friend, Cheryl’s walk.

It has been working out well to have me Navigating, so we can track my spare phone (carried by Adreah or Cheryl) and stopping every 4-6 miles or so and offer support along the way. So if you are doing today’s walk, especially if you are doing it barefoot or even somewhat barefoot – I have a FREE book for you, if we happen to run (walk) into each other.

About Ken Bob Saxton

BarefootRunning.com (1997-present) Founder, Webmaster, Editor, Etc.. Barefoot Running Step by Step (2011) Co-Author The Barefoot Runners Society (2010-2014) Senior Advisor, Guru, & L.A. Chapter President The Natural Born Runner (2013) Editorial Panel, Adviser, and Writer Huntington Beach California, United States

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