Camino Walk Barefoot

Porto Potty, WC on Camino

2024 Sep 14 Camino Day 1 Ken Bob is Inspired

First of all, a shout out to Jorge, the best, most wonderful, absolutely kindest Uber driver, maybe on the planet, who (after refused to help my sister find or get into the apartment she rented, or even talk to her – because, after following the directions they gave us, we were not at the right apartment location) not only, helped, us find our lost rental apartment, stayed and helped to make sure we got inside. Hugs Dude!

After a lot of anxiety and loads of logistical and technical issues, we eventually got on the Camino Portugal Coastal Route from Porto.

It was glorious, fantastical, wonderful, beautiful, and I’ll add details to this post, hopefully at the end of today’s walk, the Second leg of our Camino adventure… But, like I said, technical issues, and no access to the WiFi in our rental apartment.

For now, the following image sums up many of our technical issues surrounding the walk (which was amazing, and worth it all). later…

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