I’m (Barefoot Ken Bob) still here, still running barefoot, just not as much as when I was a 50-year old kid nearly 20 years ago, mostly walking, but still barefoot almost all of the time (Hair is even more platinum than in this photo).
I’m in the process of rebuilding the Barefoot Running website, after getting tired of hackers trying to send you to disreputable websites.
Be patient, I don’t want to make this a full-time job. I still want to get out and run and walk, and my dog is waiting for an evening walk now…
See ya later or sooner, but not right now.
Hello Mr Barefoot Ken Bob,
I am a long time follower from your 80’s style web site. I was wondering if I could purchase a signed book? I live in Toronto Canada. I go through all podcasts where you were a guest and enjoy listening to your stories.
Thanks and Regards,
Anton Reyes
Thanks Anton, your book is on the way!
-Enjoy and Have FUN!