For a good laugh,

Ken Bob’s Nor’easter 2013 update #1

For a good laugh,

For a good laugh,


Drove from California, picked up Franco (a big pit bull) who needed a ride to Michigan, stopped in Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, New York (upstate), Vermont, and Maine.

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3 comments on “Ken Bob’s Nor’easter 2013 update #1

  1. Pingback: Ken Bob’s Nor’easter Plus Tour (2013) « Running Barefoot

  2. Congrats for your tour!
    You’re truly honest man as far as I know. I’m one of your book supporter. I hope the barefooters appreciate your telling the truth of barefoot running, unlike other gurus and observers, your fundamentals based upon your own experiences are “must read” for every one. I’m 72 old guy. I completed 5 barefoot marathons in 12 months span. My first one, SF marathon was in July 29,20012 and my last one was SD Rock & Roll in june 6, 2013.
    I ran 2013 Boston barefoot. 2 OC marathons. The first one I did with 3 months training but I don’t recommend any one. I plan to run Boston next year barefoot. I hope I’m the oldest barefooter in it’s history if I can cross the finish line!
    Unlike casual running, in marathon race, barefoot running is so delicate yet technical in each step that a proper adjustment based on fundamentals are crucial. Even though my running techniques are quite different from yours, your fundamentals are essential for a successful barefoot running. Your continuing contributions should be appreciated by all of the barefooters.


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