Make a serious attempt to look or be silly once in a while

Silly Remarks we Hear and Say

Make a serious attempt to look or be silly once in a while

Make a serious attempt to look or be silly once in a while


As barefoot runners we should be aware of the many social pressures put on us to conform. In being aware of the pressures put on ourselves, we should also learn to think about the pressures we put on others.

Think and be tolerant. Remember how it makes you feel, when another person expressing disparaging remarks or looks about the way you look or behave.

If there is one thing we should not tolerate, it is intolerance!

Now try to enjoy the following remarks heard or made while Running Barefoot…


Observer: Just imagine how fast you would be if you had shoes!
Ken Bob Saxton: No need to imagine, I’ve tried running in shoes. It was way slower!

Observer: Barefoot! That’s impossible!
Barefoot Runner: Doing the impossible!

Observer: Hey, you forgot your shoes!
Ryan Whitaker: They weren’t really mine!

Observer: Are you Running Barefoot?
Ted McDonald: No!

Observer: Don’t your feet hurt?
Ken Bob: Not since I stopped wearing shoes.

Observer: Did you lose your shoes?
Ken Bob: They were slowing me down.

Observer: Hey, you forgot your shoes!
Ken Bob: Shoes? I don’t need no stinkin’ shoes!

Observer: You must LOVE pain!
Ken Bob: If I loved pain, I would wear SHOES!

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