Tag Archives: neuroma

Morton's neuroma reproduction from a lithograph in Gray's Anatomy

New Bulletin Board for Morton’s Neuroma sufferers!!!! Please read.

Morton's neuroma reproduction from a lithograph in Gray's Anatomy

Morton's neuroma reproduction from a lithograph in Gray's Anatomy

There is a new bulletin board/forum website completely dedicated to Morton’s Neuroma named Morton’s Neuroma Talk!!!! MN Talk is a FREE discussion support group for those of us who are dealing with Morton’s Neuroma where we can talk about this condition, how it is treated, and how it has effected our lives.

After some research I found that there truly isn’t a dedicated bulletin board for MN out there. There are sites here and there that talk about health and medical conditions, etc., that may or may not talk about MN from time-to-time, hit or miss, but none dedicated solely to this condition.

I fully expect this brand new forum group to soon be jam packed with lots of information and advice from many experienced MN sufferers.

The address is http://www.mortonsneuromatalk.com. Please check it out, and definitely, if you know someone who has this condition, please share the web address with them.

We will be getting a logo soon.
